Michael B. Kelley, MD, FACC, MBA
Specializing in Cardiology
Affiliation: Owensboro Health
Education & Training
- University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington
- MBA, Kelley School of Business - Indiana University
- University of Vermont, Burlington, Internal Medicine Resident
- Chief Medical Resident
- University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, NIH COBRE Neuroscience Medical Student Fellowship
- Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tenn., General Cardiology Fellowship Division of Cardiovascular Medicine
Board Certified
- American Board of Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease
- American Board of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine
- Board of Nuclear Cardiology
- National Board of Echocardiography
Honors & Awards
Friesinger Society
ACC Political Action Committee Scholarship Award
Resident of the Year
Chosen as Chief Medical Resident
Medical School
NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence Neuroscience fellowship
Freeman Medical Scholar
Original Reports
1. Accepted manuscript to Critical Pathways in Cardiology – “Implementation of a Standardized Pathway for the Treatment of Cardiac Arrest Patients using Therapeutic Hypothermia: “CODE ICE”. September 2012. Multiple Authors
2. Al Mousa E., Dodge JT, Rizzo MJ, McClean C, Ryan K, Moynihan J, Kelley M, Marble SJ, Goel M, Daley WL, and Gibson CM. The Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction Frame Count in Saphenous Vein Grafts. Am Heart J 1998 Feb; 135(2Pt1)323-8 CONFIDENTIAL / The Murphey Group, Inc. / 1244 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 443 Virginia Beach, VA 23454 / 757-430-0224
3. Gibson CM, Ryan K, Sparano A, Moynihan JL, Rizzo MJ, Kelley M, Marble SJ, Laham R, Simons M, McClusky TR, Dodge JT. Angiographic Methods to Assess Human Coronary Angiogenesis. Am Heart J 1999 Jan; 137(1):169-79
4. Gibson CM, Ryan KA, Kelley M, Rizzo MJ, Mesley R, Murphy S, Swanson J, Marble SJ, Dodge JT, Giugliano RP, Cannon CP, Antman EM. Am Heart J 1999 Jun;137(6):1179-84 .Methodologic drift in the assessment of TIMI grade 3 flow and its implications with respect to the reporting of angiographic trial results. The TIMI Study Group.
Book Chapters
1. Goel M, Sparano A, Moynihan J, Kelley M, Gibson CM. Angioplasty, Stents and New Devices, in Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes in first edition of Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes by Cannon, CP., Humana Press, 1998
1. David B Seder, Michael Mooney, Nainesh Patel, John McPherson, Paul McMullen, Karl B Kern, Barb Unger, J Browning, S Nanda, Melkon Hacobian, M B Kelley, Niklas Nielsen. Geriatric Experience Following Cardiac Arrest at 6 Interventional Cardiology Centers in the United States, 2007-2011. Resuscitation Science Symposium Abstracts 2011
2. David B Seder, Michael Mooney, Nainesh Patel, John McPherson, Paul McMullen, Karl B Kern, Barb Unger, J Browning, S Nanda, Melkon Hacobian, M B Kelley, Niklas Nielsen. Neurological and Cardiovascular Outcomes After Cardiac Arrest at 6 Interventional Cardiology Centers in the United States, 2007-2011. Resuscitation Science Symposium Abstracts 2011
3. David B Seder, Michael Mooney, Nainesh Patel, John McPherson, Paul McMullen, Karl B Kern, Barb Unger, J Browning, S Nanda, Melkon Hacobian, M B Kelley, Niklas Nielsen. Postresuscitation Care Practices Following Cardiac Arrest at 6 Interventional Cardiology Centers in the United States, 2007-2011. Resuscitation Science Symposium Abstracts 2011
4. Wells QS, Su YR, LeBoeuf JP, Brittain EL, Kelley MB, Wieman BM, McPherson JA, Sawyer DB, Lenihan DJ. Serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) appear to be necessary for human coronary collateralization. Accepted as oral abstract presentation for SAFMR/SSCI Southeast Regional meeting Feb 17, 2011.
5. Kelley MB, , Huang RL, Wells QS, Fredi JL, Scott CR, Mcpherson JA for the Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute , Nashville, TN. Outcomes In Comatose Cardiac Arrest Patients With ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction Treated With Therapeutic Hypothermia And Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Accepted SCCM (Society of Critical care Medicine) Poster presentation January 2011.
6. Kelley MB, Wantuck JA, Burns K, McPherson JA for the Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute, Nashville, TN. The Prevalence and Prognostic Value of Myoclonus and Status Epilepticus Prior to or Following Therapeutic Hypothermia in Patients after Cardiac Arrest. Accepted for Poster Presentation ACC March 2010.
7. Moynihan J, Ryan K, Sparano A, Kelley M, Rizzo M, Marble SJ, Cannon CP, McCabe CH, Gibson CM for the TIMI 10A and 10B Study Group. The Range of QCA Velocities for the TIMI Grades 2 and 3 Flow. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998; 31: 11A.
8. Gibson CM, Sparano A, Ryan K, Rizzo M, Moynihan J, Kelley M, Marble S, Dodge JT, Cannon CP, Braunwald E for the TIMI 10B Investigators. A New Angiographic Method to Calculate Coronary Velocity & Its Relationship to Clinical Outcomes after Thrombolysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998; 31: 12A
9. Kelley M, Ryan K, McClean C, Sparano A, Moynihan J, Rizzo M, Marble SJ, Daley WL, Dodge JT, Gibson CM for the TIMI Study Group. Non-Culprit Artery Blood Flow Improves Over Time When Flow Improves in the Associated Culprit Artery. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998; 31: 371A
10. Gibson CM, Sparano A, Ryan K, Moynihan J, Kelley M, Rizzo M, Marble SJ, McCabe CH, Dodge JT, Cannon CP for the TIMI Study Group. Flow Distal and not Proximal to the Lesion is a Correlate of Clinical Outcomes after Thrombolysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998; 31: 492A
11. Rizzo MJ, Ryan K, Kelley MB, Moynihan J, Cannon CP, Braunwald E. Earlier Time to Treatment is Associated with Improved Coronary Blood Flow in Acute MI. Circulation 1998; 98: 3670
12. Gibson M, Ryan K, Kelley MB, Sparano A, Marble SJ, DeLemos J, Cannon CP. Slower Global Flow in all 3 Epicardial Arteries after Thrombolysis is Related to Adverse Outcomes. Circulation 1998; 98: 3672
13. Gibson M, Rizzo MJ, Ryan K, Kelley MB, Marble SJ, Giugliano R, McCabe CH, Cannon CP, Van de Werf F, Braunwald E. Higher Weight Adjusted Doses of TNK are Associated with Improved Non-Culprit, Global & Post PTCA Flow in Addition to Improved Culprit Flow. Circulation 1998; 98: 1463
14. Gibson CM, Cannon CP, McCabe CH, Marble SJ, Rizzo MJ, Ryan KA, Kelley MB, Giugliano RP, Antman EM, for the TIMI Study Group. Methodologic Drift in the Assessment of the TIMI Flow Grades & its Impact on Angiographic Trial Results. JACC 1999; 33: 362A
15. Ryan KA, Rizzo MJ, Kelley MB, McCabe CH, Marble SJ, Cannon CP, Gibson CM for the TIMI Study Group, Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh PA & Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston MA. Relationship Between the Presence & Duration of Chest Pain & Blood Flow at 90 Minutes Following Thrombolytic Administration. JACC 1999; 33: 375A
1. Poster presentation – Society of Critical Care Medicine – Outcomes In Comatose Cardiac Arrest Patients With ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction Treated With Therapeutic Hypothermia And Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. January 2011
2. Poster presentation - 2nd Annual Vanderbilt Cardiovascular Research Day, April 20th, 2010
3. Poster presentation ACC March 2010 “The Prevalence and Prognostic Value of Myoclonus and Status Epilepticus Prior to or Following Therapeutic Hypothermia in Patients After Cardiac Arrest “
4. Poster Presentation of “The Range of QCA Velocities for TIMI Grades 2 and 3 Flow” at the American College of Cardiology Conference. Atlanta 1998
5. Oral Presentation of “Non-culprit Artery Blood Flow Improves Over Time When Flow Improves in the Associated Culprit Artery at the American College of Cardiology Conference. Atlanta 1998.
6. ACP Poster Presentation 2006, “A Case of Anti-synthetase Syndrome Masquerading as Bird Fancier’s Lung.”
7. ACP Poster Presentation 2006, “A Case of Oriental Cholangiohepatitis in Rural Vermont.”
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