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Published on January 22, 2025

Healthy Tips Video: Take on a New Challenge in 2025!

Video Transcript

Hi, I'm Heather, I'm a personal trainer and health coach here at the Healthpark. And today, I'd like to encourage you to start something new, to try something new maybe for the new year. One of my favorite quotes is insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I like that quote because it motivates us to try something we may have never tried before, whether that be a new exercise, a new habit, a new routine.

Occasionally, I try to change things up and try something new. It's exciting and motivational for me in my own fitness journey. I might try to drink some water before my morning coffee. I might try to go to bed 30 minutes earlier, or try a new exercise that I've never been able to master before. So here at the Healthpark, we have a few options for you to start something new and to have some help in that process. One of them that I'd like to talk about is our fitness assessment and consultation. And that's actually a free service that you get with your membership here at the Healthpark.

There are two separate appointments. The first appointment is a session with a fitness coach, where they sit down with you in this room and run through some basic fitness tests just to see where you are, what are maybe some things you might want to work on, and what are things maybe you're already really good at that shouldn't be much of a focus for you. And can help brainstorm with you some goals that might be appropriate for you to shoot for and talk through how to get to those to reach those goals.

The second appointment that also comes with that is the exercise portion. That's our consultation with the fitness coach, where they'll walk you through on our fitness floor, how to do an exercise routine that's really efficient for you to reach the goals that you guys had already talked about. So that's a great way to get started. And I think it helps people really feel comfortable on our fitness floor. They can be introduced to new equipment maybe they've never tried before, or maybe even exercise in a new part of the facility that they've never been in.

Another service that we offer is personal training. That's a paid service, where you get to sit face-to-face with a certified personal trainer to talk, again, through some of your goals, but to go through workouts together. That can be as frequently as you would like. It could be once a week. It could be multiple times a week if you really like that accountability to have an appointment with somebody. Or it could be as few as one time a month just to set new goals for the month and talk through, have some motivation for getting started on those new goals.

So those are just a few of the services we offer at the Healthpark to try something new. But again, I really encourage you to try something this new year and see how that boosts you in your own fitness journey. No matter where you're at in that, if you're at the beginning, the middle, or you've been on a fitness journey for a long time, there's always something new you can add to spice up your fitness journey and routine. So thank you. And hopefully, we'll see you at the Healthpark. Get started!

About Owensboro Health

Owensboro Health is a nonprofit health system with a mission to heal the sick and to improve the health of the communities it serves in Kentucky and Indiana. The system includes Owensboro Health Regional Hospital, nationally recognized for design, architecture and engineering; Owensboro Health Muhlenberg Community Hospital; Owensboro Health Twin Lakes Medical Center; the Owensboro Health Medical Group comprised of over 350 providers at more than 30 locations; three outpatient Healthplex facilities, a certified medical fitness facility, the Healthpark; a weight management program, and the Mitchell Memorial Cancer Center.

On average each year, we have more than 19,000 inpatient admissions, deliver 2,000 babies and provide the region’s only Level III NICU. Owensboro Health physicians perform nearly 33,000 surgical procedures, including nearly 150 open-heart surgeries. Our physicians and staff have 90,000 Emergency Department visits and more than 1.25 million outpatient visits annually. Visit our home page for more information.