OHTLMC Patient Information

What to Bring to the Hospital

  • Advance Directive (if you have one)
  • Robe, footwear, extra clothing as appropriate.
  • Toiletry articles (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, etc).
  • Insurance information and personal identification (driver's license and/or identification card)


You should only bring essential personal items with you to the hospital. Owensboro Health Twin Lakes Medical Center is not responsible for the loss or theft of any valuables left here. We urge you to leave all valuables at home or to send them home with a family member as soon as possible.


When you visit Owensboro Health Twin Lakes Medical Center, one of three things may happen. You may be admitted for a planned procedure, admitted on an emergency basis, or kept overnight without admission to evaluate whether you should be admitted. These three possibilities can have significant impact on what expenses will be covered by Medicare A, Medicare B, and by your own insurance. You should ask the staff assisting you at that time to be sure you understand the implications of your admission (or non-admission).

Because you are responsible for any expenses incurred during your stay here, it is important that you understand what you may be responsible for. If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to call the patient financial counselor for a more in-depth discussion.

Because different insurance policies may have different criteria for the conditions under which they will pay certain expenses, you should contact your insurance carrier to resolve any potential questions. For example, if you are to be admitted for a planned procedure, many companies will not pay unless it has been pre-approved. Even in cases of emergency admission, you should let your insurer know as soon as possible where and why you are in the hospital. It is important to resolve all such payment questions as soon as possible to avoid potential delays at the time of your discharge.

Upon first arrival, you will be asked to present your insurance card and identification, which will be returned to you after copies are made. You will also be asked to sign a treatment consent form. If you are a minor, a parent or guardian should sign in your place. At this time you should also tell the nurse of any medications you have been taking. You should not continue taking any medications without the approval or prescription of the physician caring for you in the hospital. If you think you should be taking medications, ask a nurse to contact the physician and do not take them until the physician approves.


You should be notified of the day of your discharge in advance. Please speak with a discharge planner or nurse before that time. One thing that will help you prepare for discharge is to keep a small pad with questions you may have for doctors, nurses, insurers, or anyone else. You should ask these questions whenever you think of them, but it may be helpful to keep them in case they spark other questions you want to ask before you leave. You may want to ask a family member or friend to be present and take notes to be sure that you understand the following:

  • The probable day, time, and location that you will be discharged.
  • Are there particular instructions for self care once you are at home?
  • Are there particular activities you should avoid, and for how long?
  • Are there activities you should try to engage in (daily walks, exercise, physical therapy, etc.), and how often?
  • Are there symptoms you should be on the lookout for, and what should you do if you begin to see any of them?
  • How much attention will you need upon arriving at home, and for how long?
  • When should you expect to begin feeling better, and when can you expect to begin normal activities such as going to the bathroom, walking, climbing stairs, etc.?
  • Will any special equipment be needed at home, where can it be purchased, and is it covered by any of your health plans?
  • Do you need to schedule follow-up appointments?

Finally, get a list of all medicines you should be taking, and when-be sure that this includes any medications you were taking before your hospital stay if they are still appropriate. Be sure you understand whether other vitamins, medications, and herbs can safely be taken with your medications. Ask if there are side-affects you should be watchful for. Take all medications with you on your next follow-up healthcare visit.

Look over the questions you have asked since your admission to the hospital. If any of these still doesn't feel clearly answered to you, be sure to ask before you leave. It may take several hours for the discharge process to be complete. The nursing staff will be able to keep you informed when you can leave the hospital.

Ask a friend or family member to arrive early the day of your discharge to help you pack up your personal belongings. If any valuables were left with Security, be sure that they are retrieved before you leave. Then make sure that the person knows where to meet you-you will be escorted in a wheel chair to the main hospital entrance.

Chaplain Services and Chapel

OHTLMC has local ministers who volunteer as chaplains for our hospital. Each week one of the Chaplains is on-call. Chaplains can provide emotional support, comfort, encouragement and spiritual aid to those in need.

If a patient or family requests a minister, any OHTLMC employee may call the Chaplain who is on-call for that week. If the on-call Chaplain cannot be reached, any of the other Chaplains may be contacted. The Chaplains are on-call 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

The Chaplains will only visit patients and/or family members when requested by hospital staff. The Chaplains have OHTLMC badges and are supposed to wear them anytime they are in the hospital functioning as a Chaplain.

There is a small chapel located in the Med/Surg unit on the second floor next to the nurse's station.

Cafeteria Hours

Monday through Friday

  • Breakfast: 7 - 9:30 a.m.
  • Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

See our weekly menus.