Prenatal & Childbirth Classes
Browse Owensboro Health’s upcoming childbirth classes and events—all of which are FREE. Sign up online, email us at, or call the Prenatal Education Registration Line at 270-417-5303.
Register online for one of our upcoming classes
First Trimester
Pregnancy Wellness
You’ll learn about:
- Safe exercise
- Nutrition and healthy eating
- Tips for a healthy pregnancy
- Community resources and classes available through Owensboro Health
Cost: Free
We will randomly select one expecting mother from each class to win a free yoga ball.
Second & Third Trimester
All About Pumping
This class is best taken after the breastfeeding class if you have further questions about pumping or if you plan to exclusively pump. We will go over obtaining a breast pump, choosing a breast pump, how to create a milk stash for work/school, and more details on breast milk storage/handling. There will also be an opportunity to learn how your personal pump works if you would like to bring it to class.
Cost: Free
Breastfeeding Class
You and your support person will learn:
- The health benefits of breastfeeding
- How to position and latch your infant
- How to use a breast pump
- How to prepare for your return to work
- Ways that Owensboro Health’s certified lactation consultants can help
Cost: Free
Prepared for Childbirth Series
During this three-night series or two-morning series of classes, you and your support person will learn about:
- Preparing for Labor
- Pregnancy warning signs
- Onset of Labor
- When to go to the Hospital
- Active Labor through Birth
- Labor and pushing positions for birth
- Comfort techniques
- Tips for partners
- Medical procedures during Active Labor through birth
- Epidural/Spinal Anesthesia
- Cesarean birth
- Recovery and postpartum
- Tour of Maternity Services
You’ll find this series especially useful when you’re about seven months pregnant.
Cost: Free
Prepared for Childbirth Express Class
During this one-time class, you and your support person will get a shortened overview of the birth process, including epidurals.
This class provides a general overview of birth for those planning to get an epidural or who need to get the information in a shorter time.
It is recommended to take our Prepared Childbirth class series if you plan for a natural birth. The Comfort Measures Workshop will offer an in-depth practice of labor exercises and comfort techniques.
Topics we cover
- Preparing for Labor
- Pregnancy warning signs
- Onset of Labor
- When to go to the Hospital
- Active Labor through Birth
- Medical procedures during Active Labor through birth
- Epidural/Spinal Anesthesia
- Cesarean birth
- Recovery and postpartum
You’ll find this series especially useful when you’re about six or seven months pregnant.
Cost: Free
*NEW* Preparing for Your Hospital Stay & Recovery: Express Online Module
Please take 30-60 minutes to go through this module during your third trimester (be sure to complete it a few weeks before your due date). You are welcome to review it together with your partner or support people!
Topics we cover
- What to expect at the hospital after birth and how to make the most out of your stay
- What is considered “normal” after birth for you and your baby and when to call for help
- How to plan for your discharge and arrival back home
Cost: Free
Access code: ohrh750ex
Baby Care & Safety
You and your support person will learn about:
- Selecting a pediatrician
- What to expect at birth
- Newborn communication
- Newborn care, including how to give your newborn a bath and change diapers
- Safety in the home
- Community resources
Cost: Free
Hands-On Childbirth Comfort Workshop
This class complements the Prepared Childbirth Series.
This is a one-hour class for those who want hands-on practice with natural comfort techniques:
- Breathing
- Relaxation
- Massage
- Helpful positions for labor
Cost: Free
C-Section Class
If you plan to deliver your baby via C-section, take this class to learn about medical interventions, anesthesia (including epidurals and spinal), and the surgery itself.
You and your support person will learn:
- Pregnancy warning signs & preterm labor
- Medical interventions
- Anesthesia, including epidurals and spinals
- Cesarean Birth/Anesthesia
- Recovery and postpartum
- We offer a tour at the end of the class for those who want one, but it may add 30 minutes to the class time.
This class is for moms planning to have a scheduled C-section and not having a vaginal delivery. If you are already in a Prepared Childbirth Class series, you will not need this additional class.
Cost: Free
Maternity Services Tour
We know COVID-19 may have disrupted expectant parents’ plans to tour our facility. Touring Maternity Services before your delivery can ease day-of stress. To support parents during this time, we’re offering virtual tours via Webex, hosted by one of our prenatal patient educators. Virtual tours are offered during all Prepared Childbirth classes.
Not your first baby?
Refresher Childbirth Class
You and your support person will brush-up on topics such as:
- Preparing for Labor
- Onset of Labor and First Stage of Labor
- Active Labor through Birth
- Labor and pushing positions for birth
- Comfort techniques
- Tips for partners
- Medical procedures during Active Labor through birth
- Epidural/Spinal Anesthesia
- Cesarean birth
- Recovery and postpartum
- We offer a tour at the end of the class for those who want one, but it may add 30 minutes to the class time.
Cost: Free
CLICK HERE to register online or view upcoming dates. Available by request. Please email to schedule a class.
Sibling Class
Accompany your children to Sibling Class, which includes hands-on activities to understand feelings about their soon-to-be sibling and how to help with their new baby brother or sister. Please bring a baby-sized doll or stuffed animal for class activities. The new big siblings will receive a certificate and T-shirt provided by Owensboro Health Volunteer Auxiliary.
We are continuing to offer a virtual option if you cannot meet in-person. We will send resources for you to help your child when you register.
Cost: Free
After Baby Arrives
New Parents Fourth Trimester Support Group
Are you a new parent feeling overwhelmed and exhausted after giving birth? You are not alone! Our Fourth Trimester Support Group can offer a safe space to share your experiences, ask questions, and connect with other new parents going through a similar experience.
Meeting Dates and Locations
- Every FIRST Tuesday of the month we will meet at the Healthpark from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
- Every THIRD Tuesday of the month we will meet in the Owensboro Health Regional Hospital Chapel from 1 to 2 p.m.
Additional Details
- Free to all, up to a year postpartum
- Babies are welcome to attend the support group. Childcare at the Playpark will also be available free of charge. Ensure there’s room for your child by calling 270-688-4775 to reserve a space.
- Attend to enter our monthly drawing for a free massage!
RSVP by calling 270-417-5339 or
Grandparents' Class
Grandparent class will cover transitioning to the new role of grandparent, and the latest baby care recommendations and safety measures focused on the baby’s first few months.
Topics include:
- Benefits of grandparenting
- Safe sleep
- Baby care
- Home safety
Cost: Free
Contact Us
For more information on Maternity Services call 270-417-5300.
For more information on Lactation Services call 270-417-5338.