Community Health Investments Grant Recipients from Previous Years

The Community Health Investment Grants represent the health system’s financial support for health, human services and arts project and agencies throughout the region. Funded projects and agencies being supported span a wide array of regional needs, from children in local school districts to aging adults and senior services.


View The 2017 Grant Recipients Photo Album

Human Services

American Heart Association

  • Partnering for a Healthier Owensboro
  • $17,687.50
  • Access to Card

Audubon Area Community Services, Inc./Owensboro Regional Recovery

  • Cardiac Health Education and Emergency Care
  • $4,265.00
  • Substance Abuse; Access to Care

Boulware Mission, Inc.

  • Continuation of Substance Abuse Treatment Program
  • $5,850.00
  • Substance Abuse

Building Stronger Families

  • Building Resilience in Children through Informing Parents
  • $4,566.00
  • Mental Health

Care Net Pregnancy Center

  • Care Net STI Clinic
  • $18,319.00
  • Access to Care / Reproductive and Sexual Health

Community Dental Clinic

  • Improving Oral Health
  • $60,000.00
  • Oral Health

Daviess County CASA, Inc / dba CASA of Ohio Valley, Inc.

  • For the Child
  • $15,080.00
  • Access to Care, Substance Abuse, Prevention and Safety, and Maternal/Child and Mental Health

Daviess County Diabetes Coalition

  • Daviess County Diabetes Coalition
  • $10,000.00
  • Access to Care

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

  • FCA One Way to Play- Drug Free (ON2P)
  • $9,305.00
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health

Friends of Sinners

  • New Women’s Van Project
  • $10,000.00
  • Substance Abuse

Greater Owensboro Young Life

  • Lead through Mentoring
  • $10,600.00
  • Obesity, Substance Abuse, and Mental Health

Green River District Health Department: DC-CAP

  • DC-CAP Partnering of HEALTH to Increase Access to Care
  • $29,000.00
  • Access to Care

Green River District Health Department: Oral Health Project

  • Oral Health Innovations Project
  • $3,436.46
  • Access to Care and Oral Health

Green River District Health Department: Tobacco Control Coalition

  • Quit Now Kentucky Promotion
  • $12,062.50
  • Access to Care and Substance Abuse (ATOD)

Hancock County Fiscal Court for Hancock County Health Coalition

  • Access to Care Van Project
  • $55,000.00
  • Access to Care

Henderson County High School

  • Teen Certified Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training
  • $11,794.00
  • Access to Care

Hospice of Western Kentucky

  • Palliative Care Program of Hospice of Western Kentucky
  • $32,000.00
  • Access to Care

International Center

  • Refugee Medical Appointment Transportation/Teaching
  • $34,377.00
  • Access to Care

Munday Activity Center, Inc.

  • Munday Activity Center PEARLS
  • $7,200.00
  • Access to Care and Mental Health

New Beginnings Sexual Assault Support Services, Inc.

  • Dialectal Behavioral Training
  • $4,000.00
  • Mental Health

OASIS, Inc. (Owensboro Area Information and Shelter Services)

  • Pregnant Women and Substance Abuse Treatment
  • $40,000.00
  • Substance Abuse and Access to Care

Owensboro Community and Technical College

  • Supporting Refugee Integration through Literacy
  • $10,000.00
  • Access to Care

Owensboro Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition, Inc.

  • Community Awareness Campaign for Suicide Prevention
  • $7,000.00
  • Mental Health and Prevention and Safety

Project C.A.M.P. Inc. dba The Center for Courageous Kids

  • XYZ Project
  • $3,000.00
  • Mental Health

Puzzle Pieces, Inc.

  • The Center Piece Project- Implementing D.R.E.A.M. Programs
  • $19,000.00]
  • Access to Care and Obesity

St. Benedict Joseph Homeless Shelter

  • Health and Safety Improvements Project
  • $25,000.00
  • Prevention and Safety

Susan G Komen Evansville Tri-State

  • Saving Lives in Western Kentucky
  • $20,000.00
  • Access to Care

The Salvation Army of Owensboro

  • Power Hour Summer Camp Program
  • $9,300.00
  • Obesity

Western Kentucky Regional Blood Center

  • WKRBC Critical Equipment Update
  • $11,984.00
  • Access to Care

Arts & Cultural

Back Alley Musicals

  • Impacting Arts and Health by Outreach, Involvement, and Care
  • $8,000.00
  • Mental Health and Economy

International Bluegrass Music Museum

  • ROMP 2017
  • $21,000.00
  • Obesity and Mental Health

Owensboro Dance Theatre

  • In Concert/Dance Ambassadors
  • $5,000.00
  • Obesity

Owensboro Dance Theatre

  • Triple A (Arts Access for All)
  • $16,000.00
  • Obesity and Mental Health

Owensboro Museum of Fine Art

  • Maquettes to Monuments
  • $18,000.00
  • Mental Health and Economy

Owensboro Museum of Science & History

  • Discover Owensboro – Discover the World
  • $10,000.00
  • Obesity and Economy

Owensboro Symphony Orchestra

  • Music on Call
  • $21,000.00
  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse

RiverPark Center

  • 2016-2017 Broadway Series and Pay What You Can
  • $18,000.00
  • Mental Health and Economy

Theatre Workshop of Owensboro

  • Empress Backstage Renovation
  • $12,000.00
  • Prevention and Safety and Economy

Additional Community Support Partnerships

Daviess County Public Schools/Owensboro Community and Technical College

  • Community Campus Life Sciences Academy
  • $36,500.00
  • Health Education

Supplies Over Seas

  • Partners in Recycling Program
  • $17,880.00
  • Access / recycling surplus medical supplies


2017 group photo

View The 2018 Grant Recipients Photo Album

Human Services

American Heart Association

Making the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice: EmPowered to Serve Owensboro

A partnership with area churches and the Owensboro Housing Authority addressing blood pressure management, physical activity, nutrition and CPR training in our communities.




Apollo High School Health and Physical Education Department

Apollo Functional Fitness

A functional fitness program with Apollo students, staff and families; will be integrated into school curriculum with outcome measurements.




Audubon Area Community Services, Inc. / Owensboro Regional Recovery 

Making a Healthy Transition

A program allowing clients at ORR, a 100-bed Recovery Kentucky men’s substance abuse facility, to learn about health risk factors of smoking and other tobacco use, strategies and options for quitting and offers incentives for those who choose to be tobacco free.




 Boulware Mission   

Women’s Public Substance Abuse Treatment Program

This program will concentrate on the unique challenges and needs that women in addiction face.  This program will offer participants the ability to live at home while going through a licensed treatment program.




CASA of the Ohio Valley   

Breaking the Cycle – Trauma-Informed Community / School Project

A collaboration of child-advocacy organizations, the project will address Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) research creating a pilot program for creating trauma-informed schools in the Owensboro Public School System: staff training, parent classes, a sensory safe room, materials, and supplies.



Cliff Hagan Boys & Girls Club   

Butting Out, Start SMART and Escaping the Vape

Funding for three programs: Butting Out / SMART Kids (ages 6-9), Start SMART (ages 10-12) and Escaping the Vape (e-cig prevention for ages 12-18). 




Community Dental Clinic 

Accessibility to Care and Education Expansion Project

Oral healthcare for the uninsured / Medicaid population (adults and children) and elementary school dental screenings.




Father Bradley Shelter for Women and Children   

Sleep Tight!  Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite!

Funding will replace mattresses and bed frames to reduce the risk of head lice outbreaks for the Henderson County School System.  




Friends of Sinners   

Client Tracking Database

Computer software needed for client database and tracking purposes.




Girls, Inc. of Owensboro Daviess County 

Environ-Mentally Strong

The Environ-Mentally Strong program will provide interventions for girls ages 6 - 11 exhibiting issues of stress and/or mental health diagnosis.




Greater Owensboro Young Life 

Lead Through Mentoring

The program goal is to address and impact many of the root causes of substance abuse / use, binge drinking, obesity and the emotional effects of children in single parent homes by training and deploying adult Young Life leaders into the schools to build mentoring relationships with students.




Green River District Health Department 

Daviess County Community Access Project (DC-CAP)

DC-CAP helps individuals gain access to prescription assistance, Medicaid and insurance enrollment, navigation assistance, encouraging regular primary care visits and smoking cessation resources.



Green River District Health Department 


Teen Outreach Program

 The TOP program teaches teens positive life skills and encourages healthy behaviors and is implemented in Owensboro Public Schools and Daviess County Public Schools.






 Green River District Health Department 

Quit Now Kentucky Promotion

The Quit Now Kentucky program promotion will provide nicotine replacement therapy products and evidence-based telephone counseling for tobacco users, increasing the chance for successful cessation.







 Hospice of Western Kentucky  

Palliative Care Program- Phase II

An expansion of in-home Community Palliative Care Program focusing on and using clinical pathways for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and congestive heart failure (CHF). 






MentorKids Kentucky  

Mentoring Program

A project to educate and empower the at-risk youth served by their program, as well as their families and volunteer mentors, regarding the use of tobacco products.






Munday Activity Center, Inc.  

Program to Encourage Active Rewarding Lives for Seniors (P.E.A.R.L.S.) Program

P.E.A.R.L.S. is an evidence-based program to identify and address mild to moderate depression and anxiety in homebound seniors, age 60 and over.  P.E.A.R.L.S. program coordinator recently awarded at the Optimal Aging Conference.






New Beginnings Sexual Assault Support Services 

Child Centered Play Therapy

Intensive skill- based training on Play Therapy.  This training will offer continuing education hours and will be open to all providers in our community.






Owensboro Public Schools

Lifesavers: Automated External Defibrillators Accessibility

Funding for 12 automated external defibrillators (A.E.D.s) for 12 school locations. Note: Per grantee requirements, the OPS Board has approved a District comprehensive tobacco policy.





Owensboro Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition, Inc.

Community, Business, and Professional Awareness Campaign

Funding for a community, business and professional suicide prevention awareness campaign and continuing education.






Project C.A.M.P. Inc. (dba: The Center for Courageous Kids)

Camp Experience for Seriously Ill Children

This program allows children with medical needs to participate in a camp experience providing condition-specific care, education, recreation, exercise, nutrition and opportunities to increase self-esteem.






Puzzle Pieces, Inc.

Project D.R.E.A.M.

The Indoor Active Sensory Park will allow clients to be active and engaged in movement year-round in an environment that meets their overall sensory and accessibility needs. Recognized as a model project by the University of Kentucky and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).






The Way of Rockport Indiana, Inc.  

Substance Abuse and Smoke-Free Program

Funding to support the "Breaking Free from Tobacco Use" study with the Celebrate Recovery program.






Tri-State Food Bank, Inc.

Mobile Pantries

A pilot project with mobile food pantries for residents with limited resources and access.






University of Kentucky Research Foundation   

Socially-Responsible Marketing Campaign to Increase Lung Cancer Screening Awareness  

This research project seeks to reduce the burden of lung cancer by supporting socially responsible community awareness of lung cancer screening without the use of persuasive approaches that have been demonstrated to undermine patient engagement and further stigmatize individuals at risk for lung cancer.







Western Kentucky University Research Foundation

Bingocize ®

This research project will facilitate intergenerational and interagency partnerships among the older adult, university students, and the facilities' staff.  Together, each of these stakeholders will work together to offer a twice-weekly Bingocize® program at three different facilities in the Owensboro Health Muhlenberg County service area.


Arts & Culture Organizations

International Bluegrass Music Museum  

ROMP 2018 Supporting Community Outreach Programming

Funding for 15th annual ROMP festival will take place June 2018.  All funds raised are used for community and school arts education and outreach.






Owensboro Dance Theatre

In Concert / Dance for Wellness

The Dance for Wellness Project focuses on four programs: Rising Stars - Special Needs Dance Therapy program, Dance/Movement/L.E.A.N. program, Parkinson's Dance Program and In Concert.






Owensboro Museum of Fine Art  

Riverartes III: The Art of Placemaking

Riverartes III is a revolving showcase of leased public art by sculptors of international, national and regional prominence designed to celebrate the vitality of Owensboro and Daviess County, enhance its placemaking efforts, establish it as a culture tourism destination and enrich the lives of residents and visitors.






Owensboro Museum of Science & History  

"HOP" and "Discover Owensboro, Discover the World"

"HOP" (Health Owensboro Program) to address healthy eating and obesity, in partnership with the GRDHD and "Discover Owensboro - Discover the World" science and general learning program to assist students with science and math literacy.






Owensboro Symphony Orchestra  

Music “On Call" Community Engagement Program

This program will provide more than 50 diverse musical programs enhancing the quality of life for people of all ages who may not be able to unlikely be able to experience a performance in a traditional concert setting.






RiverPark Center

2017-2018 Broadway Series with Pay What You Can Program

The "Pay What You Can" program reduces financial barriers by offering tickets to see a Broadway series production to those with limited resources who would otherwise not be able to see a performance. The program has served foster care families, Mary Kendall Home residents, Habitat for Humanity homeowners, senior, minority and special needs populations.






Theatre Workshop of Owensboro

Safe Space - Empress Backstage Renovation

The Safe Space project involves the renovation of the Empress backstage area. 


Community Support / Partnerships

DCPS and OCTC Community Campus   

Life Science Academy

LSA is working to educate and train high school students pursuing careers in healthcare to fill present and future healthcare workforce shortages.






Supplies Over Seas 

Hospital Recycling Partnership

SOS recovers recycles, repurposes and redirects medical supplies from our region.  Their efforts and supplies serve local mission groups, clinics and students, and they serve as both a national and international resource for medical supplies.



List of recipients and projects:

  • Alma Randolph Charitable Foundation – Hands Up To Succeed (HUTS) Project
  • Apollo High School Health and Physical Education Department – Apollo High CrossFit
  • CASA of Ohio Valley – Trauma Ends Now
  • Cliff Hagan Boys & Girls Club – Seed to Feed
  • Community Dental Clinic – Sharing Smiles by Building Lifelong Healthy Dental Habits
  • Father Bradley Shelter for Women and Children – Welcome Home
  • Girls Incorporated of Owensboro Daviess County – Staying Environ-Mentally Strong
  • Greater Owensboro Young Life – Lead Through Mentoring
  • Green River District Health Department – Daviess County Community Access Project (DC-CAP)
  • Green River District Health Department – Teen Outreach Program (TOP) Expansion Continuation 2018-2019
  • Green River District Health Department – Quit Now Kentucky Medication Assistance Program
  • Hancock County High School – LifeReady Students Project
  • Helpsomeone Inc. (DBA: VolunteerOwensboro) – Volunteer Owensboro Capacity Building
  • Henderson Young Life – The Left Turn Project
  • Hopkins County Family YMCA –Rock Steady Boxing Program
  • Hospice of Western Kentucky – Phase III - Palliative Care of Western Kentucky Education Drive
  • Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame and Museum – ROMPFest 2019
  • Lawrence & Augusta Hager Educational Foundation – Prepare 2 Prosper
  • Daviess County Public Schools – Life Science Academy – Life Science Academy
  • Light of Chance, Inc. – Breathe - Youth Arts Residency Program
  • McLean County High School – McLean County Fit 4 Life
  • Munday Activity Center, Inc. – Weekend Meal Project
  • New Beginnings Sexual Assault Support Services – Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) Training
  • Owensboro Dance Theatre, Inc. – Dance for Wellness
  • Owensboro Museum of Fine Art – Art & Food & Health: Let's Eat!
  • Owensboro Museum of Science and History – Discover Owensboro - Discover the World and Healthy Owensboro Project (HOP)
  • Owensboro Public Schools - Estes Elementary School – Building Lifelong Positive Social Emotional Skills at Estes
  • Owensboro Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition, Inc. – Community, Business and Professional Awareness Campaign for Suicide Prevention
  • Owensboro Symphony Orchestra, Inc. – Music "On Call"
  • Puzzle Pieces – Project D.R.E.A.M. - Get Up and Move Program
  • RiverPark Center – 2018-2019 Broadway Series and Pay What You Can Program
  • Supplies Over Seas – Hospital Recycling Partner
  • Susan G. Komen Evansville Tri-State – Saving Lives in Western Kentucky
  • The Foundation for Excellence at Owensboro Public Schools – The Foundation for Excellence's Manikin Training Project
  • The Salvation Army – Summer S.O.A.R. – School’s Out Activities and Recreation
  • The Way of Rockport Indiana, Inc. – Healthier Lifestyles
  • Theatre Workshop of Owensboro – Empress Theatre Renovation
  • Town of Chrisney – Safe Routes to School and Park
  • Tri-State Food Bank – Mobile Pantry


Grant event group photo

View the event album on Facebook.

Read the press release.

Agencies and projects funded for the upcoming fiscal year are listed below:

Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame & Museum 
Bluegrass Music Programming as a Means to Enrich Community Wellness

Brescia University 
Brescia University Clinical Psychology Program

CASA of Ohio Valley 
Breaking the Cycle

Cliff Hagan Boys & Girls Club 

Community Dental Clinic 
Expanding Access to Oral Healthcare, Educating the Community, and School Screenings Project

Daviess County Diabetes Coalition 
Reducing Chronic Disease, Increasing Resiliency: CARE Direct

Daviess County Public Library 
Get Healthy @ the Library!

Daviess County Public Schools 
The Umbrella Project: A Mindful Movement

Girls Incorporated of Owensboro Daviess County 
Girls Minds + Bodies Initiative

Green River District Health Department - DC-CAP 
DC-CAP Improving Access to Care

Green River District Health Department - Quit Now 
Quit Now Kentucky Program

H.L. Neblett Community Center 
H.L. Neblett Comprehensive Health Initiative Project

Hancock County Partners Coalition 
E-Cigarette Prevention and Cessation

Help Office of Hancock County, Inc. 
Reducing Food Insecurity and Increasing Access to Basic Needs Assistance in Hancock County

Hope2All, Inc. 
Combat Food Insecurities for Families and Seniors

Hospice and Palliative Care of Western Kentucky 
Phase IV Palliative Care of Western Kentucky Continuing Education Drive

International Center of Kentucky 
Refugee Health Coordination

Light of Chance, Inc. 
Breathe Youth Arts Residency Program

Muhlenberg Co. Opportunity Center 
Exploring Healthy Living

New Beginnings Sexual Assault Support Services 
Transforming Trauma

Owensboro Dance Theatre, Inc. 
Dance for Wellness Project

Owensboro Museum of Fine Art 
Riverartes IV: The Art of Placemaking

Owensboro Public Schools 
Comprehensive District Vision Project

O.P.S. Foundation for Excellence 
Owensboro High School Biomedical Project

Owensboro Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition, Inc. 
Community, Business and Professional Awareness Campaign for Suicide Prevention

Owensboro Symphony Orchestra 
Music "On Call"

Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Little Sluggers Program 
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Little Sluggers T-ball League

RiverPark Center 
2019-2020 Broadway and Pay What You Can Program

Senior Community Center of Owensboro-Daviess County, Inc. 
Senior Community Center Frozen Meal Project

Success Through Mentoring - Spencer County 
Success Through Mentoring

Supplies Over Seas 
Hospital Recycling Partner

Susan G. Komen Evansville Tri-State 
Saving Lives in Western Kentucky

The Salvation Army 
Kitchen and Dining Room Renovation

The Way of Rockport Indiana, Inc. 
Healthy Living Skills: Substance Abuses & Dental Program

Theatre Workshop of Owensboro 
Spotlight on Kids

United Methodist Home of Kentucky, Inc. - Mary Kendall Campus 
Capstone Project

Wendell Foster's Campus for Developmental Disabilities
Day Training Facility Upgrade


OWENSBORO, Ky. (Aug 20, 2020) – Owensboro Health announced its FY 2021 Community Health Investments Grant Program recipients on Thursday, August 20, who received funding for 35 projects.

The Community Health Investments Grants provide in-kind and financial support for health, human services and arts projects and programming throughout the region. Funded projects and agencies being supported span a wide array of regional needs, from children in local school districts to aging adults and senior services.

The grants are targeted at a number of identified community health needs including the health system’s four priority focus areas: Tobacco and Related Diseases; Older Adults and Aging; Arts in Healing; and Children and School Health. This year, the grants will support 35 projects throughout the region, with a total of $640,000 in funds being distributed during FY2021. This year’s amount means Owensboro Health has invested more than $7 million in area agencies since 2009.

Greg Strahan, Owensboro Health’s President and CEO, said these grants are vital part of Owensboro Health fulfilling its mission to heal the sick and to improve the health of the communities we serve.

“Of all things we do at Owensboro Health, none can be more important than partnering with the communities and the people we serve. At no time has this been more evident than during the current global pandemic,” Strahan said. “The Community Health Investment grant program is one way Owensboro Health makes direct community investments to impact the health of the communities we serve.”

Agencies and projects funded for the upcoming fiscal year are listed below:

Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame and Museum

Improving Health and Wellness through BG Music Programming

Bluegrass Community Outreach brings Bluegrass music to local schools, provides Saturday music lessons, Community Engagement, Music Outreach and the Bluegrass Band Project.

Care Net of Owensboro

Obstetrical Ultrasound Program Expansion

This program will expand the Obstetrical Ultrasound Program by adding an additional ultrasound machine and exam table. Expansion ensures that more pregnant mothers receive care, information and education at an earlier point in their pregnancy, thereby achieving the goal of healthier, full-term pregnancies delivered by healthier mothers.

CASA of the Ohio Valley

Change a Child's Story

Change a Child’s Story is a community awareness program related to child abuse and resilience factors. In the spring of 2021, it will address the behavioral health needs of children in the court system. Grant funds will also be used to increase community awareness and engagement with an active campaign in print, video and social media outlets.

Cliff Hagan Boys and Girls Club

Bountiful Kids

The Bountiful Kids program provides cooking classes for 20 youths, swimming lessons for 40 youths, as well as a Teen Night at the Mike Horn Unit about tobacco and vaping education and entrance to the Western Kentucky University Challenge Course.

Community Dental Clinic

Dental Healthcare, Education and Access to Care Project

It also allows for a Community Dental Clinic Dental Healthcare, Education and Access to Care Project. The target population is the uninsured and Medicaid patients in our area who need routine and emergent dental care through their Charity Care Fund. This project also involves helping to pay for staff PPE against COVID-19 transmission.

Daniel Pitino Shelter

The HEART Program

Specific components of the HEART Program include: Conscious Discipline education and training, equipment to support play, social/emotional learning, as well as evidence-based programming to assist the staff and residents with tobacco cessation resources, allowing them to become the first Daviess County homeless shelter to adopt and implement a tobacco free policy.

Daviess County Diabetes Coalition

Reducing Chronic Disease, Increasing Resiliency

CARE Direct is a self-measured blood pressure management initiative. The program components include education, support and supplies. An Omron blood pressure cuff is provided to participants and is theirs to keep upon successful completion of the six-month program. An additional six months of education (enhanced management) is available, if desired and the Farmacy program allows for increased access and availability of fresh fruits and access at the Farmer's Market.

Daviess County Public Schools

The Umbrella Project-Rise Up for Resilience

The Umbrella Project-Rise up for Resiliency promotes the development of positive mental health and reduces stigma that is so often attached to mental health. Funding supports the Rise Up for Resilience Summit, Safe Spaces and Mindful Rooms.

Girls Inc. of Owensboro Daviess County

Healthy Living 2020 and Beyond

The goal of Healthy Living 2020 and Beyond is for girls to participate in and use educational activities, resources and opportunities to promote strong, informed minds to encourage lifelong smart choices and to build bold habits that lead to healthier futures.

Greater Owensboro Young Life

Lead through Mentoring

This mentoring program addresses the need for identity, the need to belong, a lack of purpose, detrimental family impacts and negative peer pressure -- many of the root causes that adversely affect our High School and Middle school students.

Green River District Health Department - Nicotine Reduction Program

Green River Nicotine Reduction Program

A program which works to provide nicotine replacement therapy, tobacco quit line and cessation support. It also offers education and awareness regarding JUULS and electronic cigarettes. The program is a model in the state and has been sought after nationally for replication.

Green River District Health Department- DC-CAP

Daviess County Community Access Project (DC-CAP)

A prescription assistance and access to care program reaching at risk and vulnerable populations. The goal is to provide at least $3 million dollars in donated prescriptions to our local community.

Green River District Health Department-Safe Sleep for Babies

Safe Sleep for Babies

This program will purchase 50 Safe Sleep Survival Kits for babies. The kits consist of a Sleep Sack, a Pack ‘N Play fitted sheet with safe sleep messaging, a soothing pacifier and a “Sleep Baby Safe and Snug” children’s book.

Hancock County Partners Coalition

Tobacco/E-Cigarette Prevention, Education & Cessation

A program for youth and adult education about the dangers of tobacco/e-cigarette use, created to decrease usage rates among youth in Hancock County, Kentucky and Spencer County, Indiana. Components include prevention and diversion, education and cessation.

Hospice and Palliative Care of Western Kentucky

Hospice and Palliative Care Triple Aim Initiative

Providing funding for components of the Triple Aim initiative which provides education on the benefits of receiving the “right care at the right time in the right place.” It also includes Relias training, Consolo EMR, CHPN Certifications for staff and Camp Courage for children.

Junior Achievement of Western Kentucky

JA Pathways toward Career and Life Success for K-12 Youth

This program is an investment targeting youth in 11 counties with the highest free and reduced lunch classrooms. It provides students with the knowledge, skills and tools to understand the importance of improving their economic well-being.

Kentucky Kids on the Block

Puppetry Programs for Good Health

Provides educational puppetry programs addressing priority health areas at public elementary schools in Butler, Hopkins and Ohio Counties.

Light of Chance

Breathe Youth Arts Residency Program

The Breathe Youth Arts Residency Program aims to improve adolescents' mental and behavioral health through the use of a thirty-one week pilot initiative implemented in the Hopkins County Day Treatment Program. BYARP is a holistic program comprising distinct, yet interconnected service components including visual arts, music, creative writing, performing arts and mindfulness exercises. These components help participants learn skills that promote cognitive focus, emotional regulation and decision-making.

Marsha's Place Pregnancy Resource Center

Marsha's Place STI Clinic

The STI Testing Clinic at Marsha’s Place in Henderson, serving multiple counties, will increase the health of our community by providing education, free STI testing (gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis) and treatment to vulnerable clients.

Muhlenberg County Public Libraries


Muhlenberg County Public Libraries will place StoryWalks at LuRay Park and Rails to Trails. StoryWalks encourage reading and physical exercise in an outdoor setting.

New Beginnings Sexual Assault Support Services

EMDR Integrative Attachment Trauma Protocol for Children

EMDR training helps children with severe behaviors and developmental trauma develop healthier attachments, self-regulation and work through their trauma.

Owensboro Dance Theatre

Dance for Wellness 2021

The Dance for Wellness Project focuses on four programs: the “Rising Stars: Adaptive Needs Dance Therapy,” program, the “Dance/Movement/L.E.A.N.” program, the “Dance for Health” program and the "Dance to Learn…Science" program.

Owensboro Museum of Science and History

Discover Owensboro/ Discover the World & Daviess Co Health

The “Discover Owensboro – Discover the World” science and general learning programs aim to assist students with science and math literacy and construct additional health exhibits. The museum is considering the construction of “Daviess County Health” temporary and permanent history exhibits. They are partnering with Owensboro Innovation Academy.

Owensboro Public Schools

Owensboro Public Schools: Health eX Education Project

Owensboro High School’s Allied Health course prepares high school students for a variety of healthcare careers.

Owensboro Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition

Community, Business and Professional Awareness Campaign

Strategies supported by the Kentucky Suicide Prevention Plan and the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention include community-based programs aimed at reducing the stigma associated with seeking treatment for mental health problems. They also utilize educational materials and programs designed to help people understand suicidal risks and warning signs; increase the competency of those professionals who work with suicidal patients and provide support to loss survivors.

Owensboro Symphony Orchestra

Music on Call

Music On Call brings meaningful, musical experiences directly to participants in their environment through a variety of community partnerships. Funds will cover artistic expenses, technical expenses, travel expenses and staging and property expenses.

Puzzle Pieces

Healthy Play: Combating Obesity in Those with Disabilities

Funding for the first phase of the project Healthy Play: Combating Obesity in Those with Disabilities will go toward the first-ever outdoor sensory museum and installation of an inclusive playground. Puzzle Pieces will be a national test pilot site. Phase II has multiple committed partners including the Christopher Reeves Foundation.

RiverPark Center

Broadway 2020-2021 and Pay What You Can

The Pay What You Can Program underwrites free and greatly reduced tickets for Broadway shows and other RiverPark Center performances for those who may not otherwise be able to afford attendance.

Senior Community Center of Owensboro-Daviess County

Frozen Meal Project

Funding will support the continuation of the senior frozen meal project, creation of an instructional manual for others to replicate the program and identification of alternative funding sources and partnerships that will create program sustainability.

Susan G. Komen Evansville Tri-State Affiliate

Saving Lives in Western Kentucky

Funding will support a pilot project addressing the social determinants of health to reduce the burden of non-medical expenses to patients with breast cancer.

The Foundation for Excellence at Owensboro Public Schools

Owensboro High School's Biomedical Expansion Project

Funding will help equip the Biomedical Pathway Program for its Year Two class and laboratory needs.

The Salvation Army

Summer S.O.A.R. – School’s Out Activities and Recreation

Support for the 2021 Summer S.O.A.R children's camp program.

The Way of Rockport

Healthy Living for 2020/2021

Funding allocated will support the provision of dental care for clients in recovery in this Spencer County recovery facility.

Theatre Workshop of Owensboro

Spotlight on Kids

Funds will provide support for youth productions, in-school educational programs, a Drama Camp and Club, educational workshops and our in-house school day performances.

Tri-State Food Bank

Capacity Expansion Project

The goal of the Capacity Expansion Project is to greatly increase the physical capacity of Tri-State Food Bank, enabling it to double the amount of nutritious food distributed to the hungry and effectively take the food insecurity rate to zero by the year 2030. This project aims to reduce food insecurity and provide nutritious food to the needy and especially to the most vulnerable populations - children, senior citizens and those living in food deserts and rural communities.

SOS International

Hospital Recycling Partner

Funding supports a continued Hospital Recycling Partnership to support the expenses related to collection and redistribution of surplus medical supplies. SOS was a key partner in addressing needs presented by COVID-19 in Kentucky.


Aubrey's Song Foundation for Eating Disorders

Aubrey's Song 3.0: Education, Outreach & Advocacy

Project will educate the community at large about the risks and treatment of eating disorders. Local providers will be educated about eating disorders and their diagnosis indicators, and services will be further expanded to better serve the needs of those with eating disorders, along with their families.

Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame & Museum

Bluegrass Music Academy: Music with a Mission

The Bluegrass Music Academy will allow for the educational programming of the museum to be housed under the same umbrella, which will be overseen by the Education Director.

Care Net Owensboro

Continuation and Expansion of STI Clinic

The continuation and expansion of the STI Clinic will allow for better access to care for patients in the clinic being tested. This organization already provides testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea and will add the testing of trichomoniasis to the panel as well.

CASA of Ohio Valley

Hope Needs a Helping Hand

Organization will work to spread awareness of the potential impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) to the Daviess and McLean County communities. An event will also be held in collaboration with the H. L. Neblett Center to provide awareness and education around ACEs and the impact of mental health and substance use for attendees.

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Owensboro

2023 Directories for Local Services

Directories will provide compact, county-based service resource directories so individuals and agencies can readily find locally available options to address emergency situations, social determinants of health, and general health and wellness.

Community Dental Clinic

Expanding Access to Oral Healthcare Project

Target population is the uninsured and Medicaid patients in our area who need routine and emergent dental care through their Charity Care Fund.

Faithful Friends Kentucky 

Music and Memory

Music and Memory is a national program that helps individuals with a wide range of cognitive and physical conditions to engage with the world, ease pain, and reclaim their humanity through the use of personalized music. Funding will provide the start up costs for two pilot sites.

Girls Inc. of Owensboro Daviess Co.

Healthy Girl Summer and Beyond

Funding will provide support for the summer programming efforts of this organization in 2023.

Grayson County Health Department

GCHD Breastfeeding Support Program

This program will allow for breastfeeding mothers in Grayson County to work with lactation counselors to have breastfeeding consults free of charge.

Green River District Health Department

Daviess County Access Project -DC-CAP

Prescription assistance and access to care program reaching at risk vulnerable populations. Goal is to provide at least $3.5 million dollars in donated prescriptions to our local community.

Greenville Elementary School

One Body One Mind

Program includes school/community mental health speaker and author Julia Cook, indoor and outdoor calming corners/sensory regulation strategies for students, and items for a staff wellness room.

Hospice & Palliative Care of Western Kentucky

Helping Our Community Thrive Following The Pandemic

Funding included for Camp Erin and both palliative care and bereavement educational materials for medical professionals and other community members.

Junior Achievement of West Kentucky, Inc.

JA Pathways toward Career and Life Success for K-12 Youth

Investment targeting youth in 11 counties in the highest free and reduced lunch classrooms, providing students with the knowledge, skills, and tools to increase understanding of importance of improving their economic well-being.

New Beginnings Sexual Assault Support Services

An Introduction to the Integration of Structural Dissociation

Speaker is trained in complex trauma so practitioners in attendance can develop and promote comprehensive, clinically effective, and empirically based resources and responses to trauma and dissociation using EMDR techniques.

Opportunity Center of Owensboro

No Limits!

Funding for equipment for Pinocchio's Deli startup, which will be run by clients at the Opportunity Center. Menu planning, food prep, supply ordering, budgeting, customer service, and industry and work specific skills will be taught to clients working at the deli.

Owensboro Symphony 

Music on Call

Music On Call brings meaningful, musical experiences directly to participants in their environment through a variety of community partnerships. Funds will cover artistic expenses, technical expenses, travel expenses, and staging and property expenses.

Patrick Rudd Project Inc.

Mission: Share the Load

Project will deliver mental health services to Hopkins County First Responder agencies to address the barriers to access and the stigma attached to mental health and wellness. Licensed Mental Health Professionals (MHPs) will deliver this training to 410 Hopkins County first responders, bringing awareness to the importance of mental health, on-the-job stressors, PTSD and trauma (as well as how the body responds to both), and also sharing resources available to them.

RiverPark Center

Arts Teach Kids Summer Camp Series

Camp series will provide arts enrichment programming that utilizes Social - Emotional Learning (SEL) to support the mental health of area youth. Referrals for camps will be accepted for at - risk youth through partner agencies. Partial and full scholarships are available for students in need.

Salvation (The) Army

Social Services Hub

Remodel would allow for vast expansion of food pantry space and additional space for case management meetings, on-site vocational and personal counseling, and life skills classes.

Senior Community Center of Owensboro-Daviess County

Weekend Accessible and Ready Meals (WARM) Program

Provision of nutritious meals on the weekends to vulnerable seniors in Daviess County. Both the physical strength and mental wellness of these seniors will be measured and recorded during the course of the grant year.

SOS International

Hospital Recycling Partnership Program

Funding supports continued Hospital Recycling Partnership to help support the expenses related to collection and redistribution of surplus medical supplies. SOS was a key partner in addressing needs presented by COVID - 19 in Kentucky.

Southwest Kentucky Kids on the Block

30 Educational Puppetry Performances

Educational puppetry programs will address priority health areas at public elementary schools in all eleven counties in the Owensboro Health targeted primary service area.

Spencer County 4-H Association

Summer Community Adventures

Program will primarily serve Latino youth in Spencer County to enrich youth development though activities to improve physical, emotional, and social health.

Theatre Workshop of Owensboro

Spotlight on Kids

Year round opportunities for children of all ages and abilities will be provided through theatrical arts. Youth Season performances, TWO in the Schools, drama camps and clubs, and The Penguin Project will allow for the involvement of youth in a variety of ways.

Tri-State Food Bank, Inc.

Senior Grocery Program

This project will improve the health of low-income elderly populations by supplementing their diets with nutritious foods. Seniors 60 and above that are eligible for local senior feeding programs are eligible for this program.


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern Indiana

Growth in Henderson and Spencer

The organization is looking to expand services into Henderson County (KY) and Spencer County (IN). Mentors for youth will be recruited through lunch and learns. At - risk youth will be targeted and paired with an adult match to provide a stable, consistent adult presence in the child's life.

Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame & Museum

Enhancing Community Mental Health through Interactive Bluegrass

This program will look to engage volunteer musicians in the community to provide musical programming to various audiences in the region. Mental health will be focused upon through writing workshops with a trained mental health counselor.

Community Dental Clinic

Dental Health Access Expansion and Collaboration Project

Target population is the uninsured and Medicaid patients in our area who need routine and emergent dental care through their Charity Care Fund.

Daviess County High School NJROTC

Construction of Obstacle Course

Funds will be used for the purchase and installation of one of multiple obstacles in an obstacle course. The course will be housed on the Daviess County High School campus and will be available for other local NJROTC units to utilize during competitions, as well as incorporated into physical education classes at DCHS.

Girls Inc. of Owensboro Daviess County

"Making Space" for Mental Health Now and in the Future

Funding will provide needed updates to a newly acquired space for the girls served. The focus would be on overall wellness, with a focus on physical and mental health. Upgrades to the gymnasium will provide a safer space for physical activity. The yoga and community meeting room will allow for a more targeted focus on mental health and educational needs.

Grayson County Alliance

Financial Literacy Education

The Money Habitudes curriculum will allow for workshops focusing on financial literacy to be available for residents in Grayson County.

Green River District Health Department

Daviess County Access Project -DC-CAP

Prescription assistance and access to care program reaching at risk vulnerable populations. Goal is to provide at least $3.5 million dollars in donated prescriptions to our local community.

Green River District Health Department

Safe Sleep Environment For Baby

Purchase of 50 Safe Sleep Kits: Sleep Sack, Pack ‘N Play, fitted sheet with safe sleep messaging, soothing pacifier and a “Sleep Baby Safe and Snug” children’s book.

HPC Hospice & Palliative Care of Western Kentucky

Good Grief! Providing healthy grieving opportunities to our community

The Good Grief! initiative looks to provide mental health and educational resources focusing on grief. Funding was provided for both physician and community bereavement education. Resources specifically for youth who have lost a loved one, including Camp Erin, were also included in this allocation.

Junior Achievement of West Kentucky, Inc.

JA Pathways toward Career and Life Success for K-12 Youth

Investment targeting youth in 11 counties in the highest free and reduced lunch classrooms, providing students with the knowledge, skills, and tools to increase understanding of the importance of improving their economic well-being.

Muhlenberg County Public Schools

NFC Fitness Court

The NFC Fitness Course will be housed at Muhlenberg County High School, which is located directly next to the Greater Muhlenberg County Parks and Recreation complex. The court will not only be utilized during physical education courses for high school students, but will be a free community resource. Users of the court can download a mobile app to track their progress, as well as be introduced to videos showing them how to use the equipment.

New Beginnings Sexual Assault Support Services

Transforming Communities: From Burnout to Revival

Training for mental health professionals will provide attendees with a better understanding how trauma affects in the nervous system. Additional resources on trauma stewardship and the importance of self - care for those in the field of mental health will be expounded upon. The goal of this training is to allow attendees to gain a better understanding of how to better engage with those who have experienced trauma.

Owensboro Catholic Schools

GoGuardian Beacon Software

Funding will used to pilot the GoGuardian Beacon software, which will be monitored on each OCS laptop assigned to students from grades 4 - 12. This software will look for at-risk activity. A Rapid Alert Team comprised of key adults in the facility will be instituted at each school campus. Should a topic be flagged in the software, a prompt will alert the team to initiate a response.

Owensboro Dance Theatre

Dance for Wellness 2024

Funding will provide supplies for the Dance Movement / L.E.A.N. and Dance to Learn programming, as well as continuing education ODT staff involved in the four total components of the Dance for Wellness program.

Owensboro Symphony

Music on Call

Music On Call brings meaningful, musical experiences directly to participants in their environment through a variety of community partnerships. Funds will assist with artistic expenses, technical expenses, travel expenses, and staging and property expenses.

Refuge International Owensboro

Driving School for Refugees/Immigrants

Due to the unique cultural needs of many of the refugees residing in the region, the need for a driving school specifically for this population was identified. This new driving school will allow for eligible members of the refugee community to undergo training through a driving school to meet their specific needs. This will increase the independence and autonomy of those who are able to obtain a license at the conclusion of the program.

RiverPark Center

Arts Teach Kids Summer Camp Series

Camp series will provide arts enrichment programming that utilizes Social - Emotional Learning (SEL) to support the mental health of area youth. Referrals for camps will be accepted for at - risk youth through partner agencies. Partial and full scholarships are available for students in need. Funding will specifically cover the cost of scholarships, as well as the supplies and equipment necessary for the camps.

Senior Community Center of Owensboro-Daviess County

Weekend Accessible and Ready Meals and More (WARMM)

Provision of nutritious meals on the weekends to vulnerable seniors in Daviess County. Both the physical strength and mental wellness of these seniors will be measured and recorded during the course of the grant year. A select number of participants will have the opportunity to receive a mental health screening, participate in Bingosize programming, or potentially both.

Spencer County 4-H Association

Summer Community Adventures

The program will primarily serve Latino youth in Spencer County to enrich youth development through activities to improve physical, emotional, and social health.

Tri-State Food Bank, Inc.

Operation Full Pack for Daviess County Veterans

This project will improve the health of low-income, food-insecure veterans in Daviess County. A partnership between TSFB and the Owensboro - Daviess County Veterans Association already exists to best serve veterans in need.

The Way of Rockport, Indiana

Moving Forward into Recovery

Funding will be used to provide programmatic support and to reduce barriers to seeking treatment. Programming is open to both residential and nonresidential clients needing substance use disorder intervention.

Western Kentucky Botanical Garden

Meditation Garden

Funds will allow for greater access to the Meditation Garden, especially for those with disabilities. The pathway and bridge to the garden will become ADA handicap accessible, which will allow for a greater number of attendees to visit the garden.

Western Kentucky University

Providing a mobile health resource for mothers who have experienced pregnancy loss

"This project will improve resources for women who have suffered a pregnancy loss in our

community/communities, and hopefully, in the future, support women across the nation and world. While popular, pregnancy apps fall short in that they do not support a woman who has suffered a loss. The allocation supports the creation of new content, which will be integrated into a digital platform (BumptUp,, tailored especially for women who have lost a baby and then tested in a pilot study to determine whether it helps women recover both mentally and physically after a pregnancy loss.

SOS International

Hospital Recycling Partnership Program

Funding supports continued Hospital Recycling Partnership to help support the expenses related to collecting and redistributing surplus medical supplies. SOS was a key partner in addressing needs presented by COVID-19 in Kentucky.