Healthpark Member Testimonials

Tim Lyons

Tim Lyons and his family have been Healthpark members for more than 15 years. Hear about his experience and why they love the facility this video.

Jason and Stacy Goddard

Jason and Stacy Goddard have always been active. Over the years, the ways they use the Healthpark Fitness Center have evolved to meet their needs.

Becky Ivy

Becky Ivy participated in the LifeSteps weight management program at the Healthpark and it changed the way she thought about food. Today at 66 years old, Becky said she feels better than she did 10 or 20 years ago.

Tim Camp

Tim Camp

“I was overweight and (would lay) around the house a lot, didn’t do anything other than mow the lawn in the summer,” Camp, 65, said. “I went to the doctor, and they ran the little wire up with the camera and looked at my heart.”

When the doctor met with Camp in recovery, he told Camp there was a 50% blockage.

“He used the term ‘widowmaker,’ and not the official term,” said Camp, referencing the term used to describe a fatal heart attack. “And so I said, ‘Something’s gotta change.’ I just knew that I had to improve.”

Camp eventually found out about Owensboro Health Healthpark’s eight-week supervised “Exercise is Medicine” program. The Healthpark is the only certified medical fitness facility in Kentucky.

Read Tim Camp's story.