Fitness Programs
Our members join the Healthpark for variety of reasons. Recognizing that everyone is unique, we offer a diverse mix of classes, programs and opportunities so you can customize your wellness experience.
Aquatic Programs
The Healthpark has a 10-lane, 25-yard lap pool as well as a warm-water therapy pool. We offer swimming opportunities for all skill levels and all ages. From water aerobics classes to lap swimming to swim lessons – find the right program for you and your family! Learn more about our aquatic programs.
Exercise is Medicine®
Exercise is Medicine® is an eight-week supervised exercise program at Owensboro Health’s Healthpark, the only certified Medical Fitness Facility in the state of Kentucky. This program was developed by the American College of Sports Medicine as a health strategy for the general public and to promote collaboration between healthcare providers and exercise professionals.
Group Exercise Classes
From the soothing calm of yoga to the high-octane workout of BodyPump, you’ll find just the right class to fit your style, taste, schedule and fitness goals. Join some of our group exercise classes.
Personal Training
Are you looking for that little extra motivation in your workout? Are you starting to wonder if you’re challenging yourself enough? Need education about building a workout and what’s best for you? Check out our personal training opportunities for one-on-one or group training. Add accountability, motivation, socialization and goals to your workout – and see results! Find out more about personal training.
Fitness Tip: Starting an Exercise Program
Want to work on health and fitness this year? The best advice would be to find something that you enjoy doing. Exercise doesn’t have to be torture – like most people envision!
Here are some quick tips for starting an exercise program:
- Start slow and pick it up as you feel comfortable
- Build activities into your daily life
- Find a friend to help you on your new journey
- Listen to your body
- Write it down and keep track of your progress
- Ensure you have talked with your doctor about any health conditions and are cleared to exercise